Best Divorce Lawyer In Delhi | Rajkumar Salanki

Best Divorce Lawyer in Rohini Court

best divorce lawyer in delhi

Best Divorce Lawyer in Rohini Court: Rajkumar Solanki

When it comes to the legal process of divorce, having a qualified lawyer by your side is vital for a smooth and stress-free experience. If you are looking for the best divorce lawyer in Rohini court, then look no further. With years of experience in family law, we are fully equipped to handle even the most complex cases. Contact us today for a free consultation!

How to find best divorce lawyer in rohini court?

The decision to divorce can be pretty stressful. And at the same time, considering securing your future and going through all the legal processes and paperwork can be tiring. Hence, you will need a good divorce lawyer and legal assistance and get what you want. It should be the first step to finding a good divorce attorney after deciding to get a divorce. So, you must seek an honest divorce lawyer who understands your situation. The best divorce lawyer in Rohini court gives ample time and attention to understand your issues.  

Besides, in India, the process of divorce is different for every religion. Also, the procedure is complex and can be time-consuming as well. So, you should reach out to the best divorce lawyer to deal with all the intricacies of the divorce process. They have broad experience in dealing with complex divorce cases. Hence, the lawyer can help and guide you in every process. Thus, the advocate can handle it well, right from filing a petition, alimony, property issues, child custody, or any related issues. Whether you choose mutual consent or a contested divorce, the need for good legal assistance is always relevant.

best divorce lawyer in rohini court

On what basis can you file for divorce?

Before proceeding with the process, you must be aware of certain conditions for divorce filing. Firstly, you should have a solid ground for filing a divorce petition, such as desertion, adultery, cruelty, insanity, venereal disease, etc. Also, in India, the parties must live separately for at least six months. And both the parties should remain present at the time of hearings. Besides, as per Section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955, the parties can file for divorce by mutual consent wherein they are separated for one year. 

However, every case is different. So, it is wise to approach the best divorce lawyer to get reliable legal support and understand what’s suitable for your case.

Some crucial points to consider while choosing a Divorce Lawyer in Rohini Court:

Are you facing difficulty in finding the best divorce lawyer in Rohini Court? So, the following tips can help you discover the best divorce attorney to handle your case well and provide justice.

  • Experience: You must look for an experienced divorce lawyer. So this will ensure that he has handled various cases and knows the intricacies of such claims. A divorce case may involve many complexities. So, a proficient lawyer can help you resolve divorce issues, such as child custody, alimony, etc.
  • Cost: The fee of the attorney is a vital deciding factor. So, it would be best if you inquired about the consultation and overall cost. Also, try to avoid hiring a very pricey lawyer. You must see the lawyer that your pocket can for quickly.
  • Previous client testimonials: You can check the credibility of the divorce lawyer by going through the overviewing of the reviews of past clients. Also, a good lawyer will not hesitate to share previous testimonials. It will reflect their quality of service and competence.
  • Alertness: Plan a meeting with your lawyer beforehand. And note that the lawyer listens to your case attentively. And he must be interested in understanding your issue well. The best divorce lawyers give ample time to the clients and guide them rightly.
  • Ease of discussing your case: You must feel comfortable consulting your case with the lawyer. If you notice the lawyer’s behavior is such that you hesitate to converse, you should not choose him since you will be timid and cautious all the time and may suffer badly.
  • Transparency: Make sure not to hide anything from your lawyer, not a single stuff. So, the clarity will allow your divorce lawyer better understand your case and strengthen your case. Similarly, your lawyer should be honest enough to tell you openly about the actual situation of your case and not give false hope.

Also, the best divorce lawyer in Delhi can help you with his vast practical knowledge and provide the needful support in dissolving your marriage. However, they would ensure you have a valid ground for divorce.

Why should you hire the best divorce lawyer in Rohini Court?

The best divorce lawyer knows the intricacies of divorce cases. Also, they are experienced and are aware of the best ways to handle critical divorce cases. A trained divorce attorney is well aware of all the legal aspects of divorce. And they offer the best legal advice and assistance all over your case. Besides, an experienced divorce lawyer can support in handling various matters like mutual consent divorce, child custody, marital issues, alimony, etc. Also, they understand your emotional mind state and help to keep you calm and composed all through the case.

Hiring the best divorce lawyer gives you peace of mind and confidence in your case. And your divorce process can go smoothly without any obstacles.

Final Inference

Both men and women don’t want to stretch their divorce into a long battle. Sometimes the process of divorce may get highly complex and traumatic. So, you need to find the best and most sensitive lawyer who can handle your case rightly. Every divorce case is different. And not all the cases are the same. Thus, finding an advocate who gives proper time to understand your point and issues would be best. And the best divorce lawyer very well realizes the gravity of the situation. They have huge experience in handling various divorce cases. Also, they consider the issues of both parties. Hence, whether it is about settling the alimony, child custody, or any related concern, you must seek advice from the best divorce lawyer. They can help you with an apt, fair solution for both parties. 

Therefore, you need to find the right divorce lawyer who doesn’t complicate the process and only makes money from you. Instead, hire a reliable and trusted divorce lawyer who offers lawful and correct legal advice.

What is the charge of divorce lawyer in Rohini Court?

The cost of a divorce in divorce can also vary depending on various factors. It includes the complexity of the case, the length of the litigation, and the divorce lawyer’s fees. Additionally, the cost may include court fees, lawyer fees, and other expenses such as travel and accommodation. In general, the cost of a divorce in North West Delhi can range from a few thousand rupees to several lakhs. Depending on your case, the best Lawyer in Delhi team can offer you tailored fees.

What factors should I consider when choosing a divorce lawyer In Rohini Court?

When choosing a divorce advocate, it’s important to consider several factors. Consider the lawyer’s experience and expertise in divorce law, their reputation, their communication skills, and their availability. With years of experience Rajkumar Solanki and his team is providing comprehensive divorce lawyer services all over Delhi. If you are looking for a reliable divorce lawyer in North West Delhi you can rely on us.

Is it possible to divorce right away?

No, you cannot get a divorce immediately as there are legal procedures to follow. In India, a divorce can only be granted by a court after proper legal procedures have been followed. These procedures include filing a petition for divorce, attending court hearings, and providing evidence to support the case for divorce. In India, getting a divorce takes time, depending on several factors, such as the type of divorce and its complexity.

Can I get divorced in 15 days?

What is the fastest way to divorce?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to get a divorce in just 15 days as the legal process takes longer. There are several factors that determine how long it takes to get a divorce, such as the type, jurisdiction, and complexity. The fastest divorce type in India is mutual consent divorce, which usually takes six months from filing the petition. If you want the fastest process to complete your divorce, you can count on us. With our team, you will have everything done within the shortest timeframe possible.

The fastest way of getting a divorce in India is by mutual consent divorce. This type of divorce is possible when both parties agree to end their marriage. They have no disputes over issues such as alimony, child custody, or property division. The process for mutual consent, divorce in India takes six months from the date of filing the petition in court. From filling the case to make mutual agreement, our team take care of everything.

Is it possible to get divorced in one day?
Can I live in a relationship without divorce?

No, divorce cannot happen in one day as it involves legal proceedings and court hearings. The process of getting a divorce in India takes at least 6 months.

Yes, you can live in a relationship without getting a divorce. In India, there is no law that prohibits couples from living together without getting married or getting a divorce. Living with another person without getting a divorce may affect your legal rights and obligations, including property rights.

Can a husband deny divorce?
What is the maximum amount of alimony a wife can receive in India?

Yes, a husband can deny divorce if there are legal or personal reasons that prevent him from agreeing to it. In India, divorce can only be granted by a court after proper legal procedures have been followed. It may be necessary to go to court to resolve disputes over alimony, or property division if one party does not consent to the divorce. If husband is denying to divorce, you can contact us. We will help you to win the case in the shortest time, fulfilling your expectation.

Women in India can receive alimony according to various factors such as income, standard of living, marriage duration, and financial needs. The court will consider these factors and make a decision based on the specific circumstances of the case. If you want divorce lawyer in Rohini Court contact our team. We will help you to get the desired alimony. Whether you want to file a case or want to defend, our team can help.


What can wife claim in divorce?

Wife can claim several things, including alimony, child custody, property division, and other financial settlements. The specific claims that a wife can make in a divorce depend on the specific circumstances of the case, and the court will consider several factors before making a decision.

Divorce Alimony

What is the duration of alimony?

The duration of alimony in India depends on the specific circumstances of the case and the court’s decision. It is possible to award alimony for a specified period of time, such as a few years, or until the recipient remarries or dies. Additionally, it may be awarded for an indefinite period. We at Best Divorce Lawyer In Delhi can help you to get your desired alimony and file a strong case. Whether you need divorce lawyer support in North West Delhi or South Delhi,  we are ready to provide our complete assistance.

How can a husband deny alimony?

A husband can deny alimony in India if he can prove that his wife is financially independent and does not require financial support. Besides, he can also prove that the wife is at fault for the breakdown of the marriage. However, in most cases, the court will consider several factors, such as the duration of the marriage, the financial needs of the wife, etc. If your husband is denying alimony, count on us to provide the support. We have the experience and expertise to.

If a husband is unable to pay alimony, what happens?

If a husband cannot pay alimony due to financial difficulties, he can approach the court and request a reduction or modification of the alimony amount. The court will consider the husband’s financial circumstances and the needs of the wife before making a decision. If the husband refuses to pay alimony without valid reasons, the court may take action against him, including imposing penalties and even imprisonment. If you are unable to pay the asked alimony rely on us. To save you, we will present your circumstances and bring the court order.

Book A Free Consultation

    Wife can claim several things, including alimony, child custody, property division, and other financial settlements. The specific claims that a wife can make in a divorce depend on the specific circumstances of the case, and the court will consider several factors before making a decision.